Hey wassup people. Sorry for not "Blogging" in a second. I had to let things Cool Down since the last note. Well I want to discuss a few things on this blog like: The Last Blog, Music, and Life [in general]. Well, on the last blog I said somethings that were pretty harsh. I want to formally apologize again to anyone that really gave a crap about what was said. and That is where I end that part of the discussion. Next, music wise, I have been going hard on this writing shiz. I have written two new songs and they are some shizzzz. One is called "Look Into The Stars", it's a ballad that is definitely and Billboard 100 #1 Hit. The other song is called "Heart-Break" and I am not done with that one yet, almost though. I am in the process of working on another joint called "Amnesia", so I'll prolly post up a vid of me doing that song. Speaking of vids, for some reason KYTE has decided to not allow chatting any more. I am working on changing this feat. Well, um....lately in Life [generally] everything has been seriously out of whack. I mean friends have dueled for superiority. I have 5 life lessons I want to share on friendship that could help some people with the relationships in their life:
1) Friendships are relationships that are meant to endure hardships, testing the durability of the friendship. So don't let a friendship slip away easily.
2)A Friend is someone who cares and shares, not who wares and tares.
3)Love all your friends equally and be honest at all times, to avoid conflict.
4)Friends should understand one another or they wouldn't necessarily be called Friends.
5)Times change, Seasons Change, But True Friends last a lifetime.
Well that was pretty much it for this blog [post], see you guys on the flip side,
Music Recommendation [On Friendships]:
Use My Shoulder-Jojo
Must Be Nice-Lyfe Jennings
Growing Pains-Omarion